
  • When do I receive the refund amount and where?

    For purchases made through the website, it will be within a period of 24 hours, directly to the card with which the purchase was made.

    For face-to-face purchases, you will have to come to the offices to make the return and bring the card and ticket with which the sale was charged. The money will be returned with a period of 24 hours.

  • Can the order be returned?

    Yes, the return can be made at the Fontajau offices either by exchanging it for a product of the same value or if this is not the case and the product is not wanted, the money will be returned to the same card with which it was made payment previously, it will be essential to bring the ticket/copy of purchase to be able to make the return.

  • What is the return term?

    The deadline for making the return will be 30 days after making the purchase, always bringing the copy of the purchase in person.

  • What do I do if I receive a defective product?

    You could contact us, the procedure will be to inform us of the defective product, send us a photograph and attach the order number in case it is online at If the purchase was made in person, the procedure will be the same, but the purchase receipt must be attached.

  • What are the products that can be returned?

    All products except personalized ones, be it mugs or game shirts, can be returned.

  • How much does it cost to return my order?

    If you come to the offices or store to make the change there will be no additional cost, but if it is done through shipping the buyer will have to pay for the return of this.