ICRA i Bàsquet Girona van presentar els resultats de l'estudi de consums d'aigua i energia en el pavelló municipal de Fontajau amb l'objectiu de millorar-ne la sostenibilitat

sustainability | Wednesday, 29 November 2023

The Institut Català de Recerca d’Aigua (ICRA) and Bàsquet Girona are pleased to announce the first results of their collaboration with the aim of implementing actions to improve sustainability and apply innovative technologies in the field of the local management and use of water and associated resources.

In this context, last June the first results of this collaboration were presented, which are reflected in the study entitled “Study of water and energy consumption in the municipal pavilion of Fontajau, Girona”. This work focuses on the analysis of sustainability in the Pavelló Municipal de Fontajau, in Girona, with special attention to water and electricity consumption, and has had the close collaboration of Ajuntament de Girona.

The study was carried out at two different scales. On the one hand, a more general analysis has been carried out which has made it possible to observe the evolution of consumption over the years. On the other hand, a more detailed analysis has been carried out to analyze water and energy consumption in each hour, thus providing a complete view of the use of these resources in the pavilion.

As a result of this analysis, several recommendations have been made to improve the sustainable management of the facilities. These suggestions take into account both economic aspects and benefits in terms of water savings. Ajuntament de Girona is already routinely applying some of the recommendations indicated in the study, which also serves to point out potential improvements in this emblematic installation of the city.

This joint work by the ICRA and Bàsquet Girona highlights the interest and commitment to sustainability and the efficient use of resources in the municipal pavilion of Fontajau, Girona. With this collaboration, it seeks to contribute to the preservation of the environment and promote a responsible use of water and energy at the local level. This marks just the beginning of a series of joint initiatives aimed at promoting sustainability and efficiency in water and energy consumption. ICRA and Bàsquet Girona are committed to continue working together to implement the recommendations derived from this study and promote environmental awareness through concrete actions.

About ICRA:

The Institut Català de Recerca d’Aigua (ICRA) is a research center dedicated to research and knowledge transfer in the field of water and the environment. ICRA develops innovative projects and collaborates with other entities to achieve sustainable water management in different areas.

About Bàsquet Girona:

Bàsquet Girona is a professional basketball club with strong ties to the city of Girona. In addition to competing at a sporting level, the club has an active commitment to sustainability and social responsibility, promoting values ​​such as environmental awareness and energy efficiency.

List of actions:

  • We continue to work with the SDGs, one of which is number 6: Guarantee the availability of water and sanitation for all
  • Bàsquet Girona works together with renowned groups that work for environmental sustainability such as Sports for Climate Action, a United Nations seal that aims to help sports organizations reduce the emissions caused by their operations and take advantage of the global popularity of the sport to involve millions of fans in the effort.
  • Recently, we have joined the “Green Sport Flag” of the Asociación de Deporte Español as an entity committed to sustainability.
  • Actions we have carried out related to water: Installation of Osmosis in the Fontajau pavilion and the Ramón Sitjà pavilion to have drinking water. Change of faucets in the Fontajau pavilion for ones with a timer to avoid wasting water.